Glenfinnan Wee Railways

June 3, 2024 by Glenfinnan Station Museum - No Comments
For several years, a 7 ¼” gauge miniature railway has been under construction in the woodland below Glenfinnan Station. All track has now been laid, and it is time to form a model club to maintain, develop and operate this 200-metre railway line beside the Viaduct Trail, as well as other model railways at the Glenfinnan Station site.

The recently completed miniature railway currently runs for a couple of hundred metres below the Station Museum’s Dining Car, with the ‘real railway’ running in parallel above it and the museum’s popular Viaduct Trail running immediately below it. It is hoped the line will be used to demonstrate single-track railway operation and eventually have “ride-on” potential once all safety requirements have been met.  There is also an award-winning 00-gauge model railway installed in a dedicated ‘model hut’ on site, depicting Glenfinnan Station.
A meeting to form “Glenfinnan Wee Railways” as an independent model club will take place at Glenfinnan Station on Saturday 8 June 2024 at 9.30am.
There will also be a second session, at 1.30pm, for anyone interested to get a guided tour. Do come and join us for either session, or both, if you are interested in becoming involved. Any questions, please contact or telephone 01397 722295.